
Torre Pozzelle

Torre Pozzelle



Rosa Marina

Rosa Marina


Along the seventeen kilometers of coast of the territory of Ostuni, in a wonderful play of colors, there are long beaches with dunes covered in Mediterranean maquis and a succession of sandy coves and rocky coast. The coast of Ostuni today represents one of the places of greater tourist bathing attraction in Puglia. Accommodation facilities, including villages, camp sites, residences, apartments, have a type of offer the most comprehensive, able to satisfy various needs of tourists.

  • Torre Pozzelle
  • Pylon
  • Rosa Marina
  • Monticelli
  • Villanova
  • Costa Merlata

SANTA LUCIA – TORRE POZZELLE - A coast of incomparable beauty for its wild and unspoiled nature. a succession of coves protected by high cliffs, where the now rare juniper trees lapping on the sea; so named for the presence of a tower dating back to the sixteenth century.

PYLON - A tretch of sandy coast with high dunes covered in juniper trees, dominated by the Aragonese watch tower of San Leonardo of the sixteenth century. For its high environmental value due to the presence of habitat considered by the EU of Community importance, now it has become a regional nature reserve.

ROSA MARINA - A series of small sandy beaches, between the Mediterranean, where in the '60s, between stone walls, ancient olive groves and the sea, there arose a vast holiday resort of international importance (in the residential village you can enter only if they have a card).

MONTICELLI - On the high dunes that give the name to the town, you can find quiet and friendly atmosphere. In the area we were found traces of a Bronze Age village.

VILLANOVA - There where the ancient Petrolla, rising later renamed Villanova, there is a marina, dock for fishing boats and pleasure craft; striking is the tower-century castle, overlooking the harbor.

COSTA MERLATA - So called because of the extremely indented coastline, with the sea that creeps among the ravines of a rocky coast forming unusual and intimate sandy coves.





Costa Merlata

Costa Merlata